Congratulations to the SCOPE members voted to the positions outlined below:
Officers (2-year term):
Vice-President: Betsy Lavinder
Treasurer: Marianne Huffman
Department Representatives (2-year term):
Anthony Coy-Gonzalez (OSD)
Christine Ross (OSSB)
Evan T. Struble (State Library & Misc. Agencies)
Anthony Randazzo (DYS)
Bruce Moore (DRC)
Diana Jackson (DRC)
Janet Carter (DRC)
Todd Dygert (DRC)
Ian Westcott (DRC)
NEA Delegate–2019 (3 delegate positions):
Betsy Lavinder
Todd Dygert
Tammy Koontz
OEA Delegate–2018-19 (7 delegate positions):
Janet Carter
Tammy Koontz
Todd Dygert
Bruce Moore
Eric Sottosanti
Otheus Jackson
Diana Jackson