SCOPE Election Results 2014

In May, ballots were counted for the 2014 SCOPE election. Here are the results:

SCOPE Vice President: Betsy Lavinder (88 votes)

SCOPE Treasurer: Marianne Huffman (89 votes)

Proposed Constitution & By-Laws Change: Yes (60 votes); No (36 votes)

OEA Delegates (7 slots available):

1. Tammy Koontz (63 votes)

2. Jack Rosenberry (63 votes)

3. Cindy Price (61 votes)

4. Todd Dygert (60 votes)

5. Bruce Moore (58 votes)

6. Gretchen Hull (56 votes)

7. Janet Carter (53 votes)

Chuck Steinbower–Alternate (52 votes)

David Keck–Alternate (1 vote)

Al Glitch–Alternate (1 vote)

William Robb–Alternate (1 vote)

Blair Copeland–Alternate (1 vote)

Yolanda Battle–Alternate (1 vote)

NEA Delegates (3 slots available):

1. Dominic Marsano (54 votes)

2. Tammy Koontz (42 votes)

3. Bruce Moore (40 votes)

Gretchen Hull–Alternate (36 votes)

Jack Rosenberry–Alternate (31 votes)

Cindy Price–Alternate (29 votes)

Todd Dygert–Alternate (24 votes)

Janet Carter–Alternate (20 votes)

David Keck–Alternate (1 vote)

Al Glitch–Alternate (1 vote)

Blair Copeland–Alternate (1 vote)

Executive Board:

OSSD (1 seat): Jen Bahary

OSSB (1 seat): Chris Ross

DYS (1 seat): Nola Derheimer

MISC (1 seat): Evan Struble

DRC (5 seats): Tammy Koontz, Jack Rosenberry, Bruce Moore, Todd Dygert, Diana Jackson


Congratulations to those elected or re-elected, and a hearty “thank you” to our SCOPE Elections Chair, Sally Kendall, and to all SCOPE members that voted!








March SCOPE & Sequence Newsletter Published

The March 2014 SCOPE & Sequence newsletter has been published. Please click below to read an important letter from our union president, Dominic Marsano, regarding upcoming elections, as well as a taste of the contract negotiation process coming in 2015. Additional topics include a SCOPE elections timeline, a round-up of news from one SCOPE Board member’s attendance at the Minority Leadership Training summit, a reminder about site rep communications and training, and more! Check out the link below:

March 2014 SCOPE & Sequence