SCOPE Day 2016: Registration

The 2016 SCOPE Professional Development Day is Monday, November 14th at the Crowne Plaza North Hotel (6500 Doubletree Ave, Columbus, OH 43229). Conference materials can be picked up at 8 AM; the first session starts at 9 AM.

Please fill out all of the areas of the registration form below, and scan and email or mail to Diane Prettyman, SCOPE Secretary, at or 5999 Glenfinnan Ct, Dublin, Ohio 43107.

SCOPE Day 2016 Registration Form

Registration deadline is October 1st, 2016.

SCOPE Site Rep Training: August 19, 2016

SCOPE’s site representative training will be held on Friday, August 19, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Office of Collective Bargaining (OCB). (1602 West Broad Street, Columbus OH 43223) You will be given union leave to attend this training session.

All SCOPE/OEA membership materials and training guides will be provided at this training session so it is very important that all SCOPE site reps attend. If you cannot attend, please designate a substitute from your site to attend in your place and pick up the various materials provided.

To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please contact SCOPE Secretary Diane Prettyman at by August 18th.

SCOPE Election Results Announced

Thank you to all who voted in the recent SCOPE election. Here are the results:

Officers (2-year term; begins August 2016):

Treasurer: Marianne Huffman

Vice President: Betsy Lavinder

Executive Board Department Representatives
(2-year term; begins August 2016):

School for the Deaf Representative: Anthony Coy-Gonzalez

School for the Blind Representative: Mary Christine Ross

State Library & Misc. Agencies Representative: Evan T. Struble

Department of Youth Services Representative: Scott Skaggs

Department of Rehabilitation & Correction Representative (5 seats available):

Todd Dygert
Bruce Moore
John Landin
Tammy Koontz
Diana Jackson

2017 NEA Representative Assembly (1-year term):

Tammy Koontz
Dominic Marsano
Bruce Moore

2017 OEA Representative Assembly (1-year term):

Bruce Moore
Chuck Steinbower
John Landin
Eric Sottosanti
Janet Carter
Delegate #6 (TBD, by tie-breaker)
Delegate #7 (TBD, by tie-breaker)

SCOPE Day 2016: Call For Papers

Do you have a great idea for a workshop presentation for your fellow SCOPE members? Then the 2016 SCOPE Day Planning Committee wants you! Fill out the form attached below with your session title, description, and some biographical information and you’re all set!

Completed forms must be submitted electronically to SCOPE Vice President Betsy Lavinder by August 31, 2016 in order to be considered. (Her contact information is on the form.) You will be contacted with confirmation whether your session proposal has been accepted or declined.

SCOPE Day 2016 Call For Papers

As a reminder, SCOPE Day 2016 is being held on Monday, November 14th at the Crowne Plaza North in Columbus, Ohio.

May 2016 SCOPE & Sequence Newsletter Published

The May 2016 SCOPE & Sequence newsletter has been published. Please click below to read an important letter from our union president, Dominic Marsano, regarding new contract booklets, teacher evaluations, and site representative elections. Additionally, 2016 SCOPE Day has been announced, and will be held on November 14th. Check out the link below:

May 2016 SCOPE & Sequence

SCOPE Election Candidacy Forms Available

Candidacy forms are now available for the upcoming SCOPE general election. All SCOPE general election candidacy/nomination forms and biographical forms must be mailed to the following address:

SCOPE Elections Committee
PO Box 305
Hayesville, OH 44838

The mailed forms must be postmarked by April 30, 2016. Click on links below to access forms. Ballots will be sent back out to you on May 13th, 2016, and will be required to be returned postmarked by May 23, 2016. Ballots will be counted on June 3, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at a location to be determined. Below are the positions up for consideration:

Officers (2-year term):


Vice President

Executive Board Department Representatives (2-year term):

School for the Deaf Representative

School for the Blind Representative

State Library & Misc. Agencies Representative

Department of Youth Services Representative

Department of Rehabilitation & Correction Representative (5 seats available)

2017 NEA Representative Assembly (1-year term):

3 Delegates (subject to change based on membership numbers)

2017 OEA Representative Assembly (1-year term)

7 Delegates (subject to change based on membership numbers)