Electronic Grievance Forms Now Online

As you may be aware, the process of filing a grievance within SCOPE has recently moved online in an electronic format, known as OH Grievance. Please bookmark the following link on your internet browser so that you will have easy access to the electronic grievance system.


For SCOPE members’ convenience, the OH Grievance link has been embedded on the SCOPE web site under “Links” on the right-hand side of the site.

To become acclimated to the online grievance process, SCOPE members are strongly encouraged to view the following learning tools:

OH Grievance Training Webinar Video

OH Grievance “Quick Tips” (Word Document)

OH Grievance PowerPoint (w/ trainer’s notes)

If you have any questions about the online grievance process, please contact your site representative.



SCOPE Site Rep Training: August 23, 2014

SCOPE’s site representative training will be held on Saturday, August 23, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the downtown OEA Office, in the Multi-media Room on the 2nd Floor. (225 East Broad Street, Columbus OH 43215)

All SCOPE/OEA membership materials and training guides will be provided at this training session so it is very important that all SCOPE site reps attend. If you cannot attend, please designate a substitute from your site to attend in your place and pick up the various materials provided.

To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please contact SCOPE Vice President Betsy Lavender at rblav1@frontier.com or SCOPE Secretary Diane Prettyman at dcpretty@sbcglobal.net by August 15th.

March SCOPE & Sequence Newsletter Published

The March 2014 SCOPE & Sequence newsletter has been published. Please click below to read an important letter from our union president, Dominic Marsano, regarding upcoming elections, as well as a taste of the contract negotiation process coming in 2015. Additional topics include a SCOPE elections timeline, a round-up of news from one SCOPE Board member’s attendance at the Minority Leadership Training summit, a reminder about site rep communications and training, and more! Check out the link below:

March 2014 SCOPE & Sequence

SCOPE Site Rep Training: April 5, 2014

SCOPE’s site representative training will be held on Saturday, April 5th, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Central OEA office. (947 Goodale Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212)

All SCOPE/OEA membership materials and training guides will be provided at this training session so it is very important that all SCOPE site reps attend. If you cannot attend, please designate a substitute from your site to attend in your place and pick up the various materials provided.

To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please contact SCOPE Vice President Betsy Lavender at Betsy.Lavinder@dys.ohio.gov or 419-368-5902.

SCOPE 2014 Election Documents Available

Declaration of Candidacy forms and Biography forms are now available for the following positions:

SCOPE Vice-President (2-year term)

SCOPE Treasurer (2-year term)

SCOPE Executive Board (DRC-5 seats; DYS-2 seats; OSB-1 seat; OSD-1 seat, MIS-1 seat)

OEA Representative Assembly for 2014-2015

NEA Representative Assembly for 2014-2015

If you have trouble downloading these forms, they can also be obtained through your Site Representative, or by contacting Elections Chair Sally Kendall at el_dorado90@hotmail.com or 419-368-6635.

All candidacy and biography forms must be postmarked by March 31st, 2014. Ballots will be sent back out to you on April 7th and will be required to be returned by April 28th. Ballots will be counted at the Mansfield-Richland County Library on May 8th at 5:00 p.m.

Please send your completed forms to:

SCOPE Elections Committee
c/o Sally Kendall
P.O. Box 305
Hayesville, OH 44838

OEA Association Dues and Tax-Deduction Eligibility

If you choose to itemize your deductions on your personal income tax returns, please be aware that the amount of your OEA association dues that is used for lobbying are not deductible on your federal tax return. Please see the linked document below for the deductible portion:

2013 Federal Income Tax Deductible/Non-Deductible Portion of Dues

The full amount of NEA dues is deductible.

If you plan to take a deduction for your Local Association or OEA District dues, you will need to get that figure from the appropriate organization’s President or Treasurer before filing your 2013 tax return. (It will not be necessary for Students or Retired members to contact a local or an OEA District since they do not belong to a particular local or an OEA District.)

Association (Union) dues qualify as a miscellaneous deduction, the total of which must equal at least two percent (2%) of Adjusted Gross Income to be deductible.